8 Most Common Spiders You May Find In Your California Home

A common spider from California sitting on a web

Spotting a spider in your home is one of the last things you want as a homeowner. Not only can it give you a creepy feeling, but it often leads you down the path of thinking “are there more of them, possibly where that one came from?!." There are many, many different types of spiders out there, some dangerous and some completely harmless. The trick is in finding a way to determine what you are dealing with before you panic.

The most common spiders in California are:


Tarantulas are often hairy and very large. By appearance alone, they seem quite intimidating. The good news is most tarantulas are not dangerous to humans, and many people even have them as pets! The female tarantula can live up to thirty years in the wild, while males have an average life span of five to ten years. They are generally very mild-mannered, and rarely bite humans.

Black Widow

Black widows are easily identified by the colored, hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomens. Reportedly, the venom in a Black Widow’s bite is fifteen times that of a rattlesnake. While the bite can cause many symptoms, from muscle aches to nausea, they are very rarely fatal. These spiders are nonaggressive and bite only in self-defense.

Common House Spider

This species is widespread across the entire world. The house spider typically spreads its web in or near human dwellings, often in secluded areas such as behind doors and attic windows. These spiders are often mistaken for the brown widow, another brown spider in California, because of their similar color and body shape. These spiders are not aggressive to humans and will only bite in self-defense.

Cross Orbweaver

A native of Europe, the Cross Orbweaver was introduced to America many years ago. These spiders spin a classic wheel-like orb web and often sit with their head down in the center of the web. They are named for a pattern of white spots on the abdomen that form what looks like a cross in most cases. The adults are normally spotted from late summer through fall.

Black & Yellow Garden Spider

The female of this species is extremely large, with a bold yellow and black pattern. This combination of bright color and large size can lead to an intimidating experience if you were ever to encounter a black and yellow garden spider. These spiders are often found in fields, farms, forests, gardens, and orchards. These spiders spin a classic round orb web, decorated with a bold, zigzag strip of silk.

Carolina Wolf Spider

The Carolina Wolf Spider is the largest wolf spider in North America. This spider hunts actively at night and hides in its burrow during the day. Adult males may find their way indoors during mating season, but the female is the one that is incredibly large. Adult females are typically between twenty-two to thirty-five millimeters body length, with a leg span that extends even further.

Yellow Sac Spider

The Yellow Sac Spider is typically pale in color with an abdomen that ranges from yellow to beige. Both males and females range in size from five to ten millimeters. Their venom can cause small lesions, and because of the possibly necrotic nature of the injury, MRSA infection is a risk. Anyone who has been bitten is advised to seek medical treatment.

Grass Spider

There are thirteen species of Grass Spiders found throughout the US. These spiders spin dense, sheet-like webs that include a funnel-like enclosure where the spider hides out. These spiders run very rapidly, so don’t be alarmed. They also have a very distinctive feature – eight eyes arranged in three rows – and can grow up to nineteen millimeters in length.

Want To Live Spider-Free? Get Expert Help!

While there is no reason to panic at the sight of a spider in your home, you may want to call in a pest control expert to set your mind at ease. The majority of spiders out there aren’t harmful to humans, but when you have the safety of your family in mind, it’s better to be safe than sorry. A pest control expert will know the best method of removal and prevention, no matter the type of spider you are dealing with. At Zap Termite & Pest Control, we have the training and tools needed to get you a spider-free home for the long term. Call today to learn more!

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